


Public Function create_update_mod_level(ByVal part_num As String, _

                                        ByVal domain As String, _

                                        ByVal mod_level As String, _

                                        ByVal replaces_part As String, _

                                        ByVal replaces_dom As String, _

                                        ByVal replaces_rev As String, _

                                        ByVal replaces_date As String, _

                                        ByVal status As String, _

                                        ByVal change_ml As Boolean, _

                                        ByVal new_ml As String) As Integer




This API creates or update part mod levels (revisions). You must supply the part number and domain (to identify the part), and the mod_level. If the mod_level record already exists, it's an update. If it doesn't, it's a create. You may also (optionally) specify the part number/domain/revision that this revision replaces, and the date that it replaces the previous revision.


You may also specify the status of the revision. If you do not specify a status (for create), the status of "Active" is assumed. Also, you may use the change_ml and new_ml arguments to change the mod_level of an existing mod_level record.





Parameter Name                Required?             Description                                                                                                          

part_num                               Yes                         Part number of the part

part_dom                               Yes                         Domain of the part

mod_level                              Yes                         Revision to create

replaces_part                        No                           Part number of part/rev that this revision replaces

replaces_dom                       No                           Domain of part/rev that this revision replaces

replaces_rev                         No                           Revision of part/rev that this revision replaces

replaces_date                       No                           What date/time does this part/rev replace the previous one?

status                                     No                           The status of the revision. For creates, if blank, the status of "Active" is used.

For updates,  if it is blank, no change is made to the status. Must be a valid

status otherwise (Active, Inactive, Obsolete)

change_ml                             Yes                         For updates only (ignored for creates). Should the mod_level be updated?

Should be True or False

new_ml                                  No                           For updates only. If change_ml = True, this is the new mod_level for the

revision record




Value                                     Meaning                                                                                                                                               

0                                              No errors

-1                                             Cannot find the specified part number

-2                                             An invalid status was supplied

-3                                             Cannot find the specified replaces part and revision

-4                                             The new mod_level (updates only) supplied already exists for a revision of this part.


ret_objid                                Output                   Returns the objid of the mod level




·         Create revision '2.4' for product 'Zipcode Reverse Directory'. It does not replace another revision. Assume it is active.


Visual Basic:


Dim ret_int   As Integer

Dim mod_level As Long


ret_int = fcinter.create_update_mod_level("Zipcode Reverse Directory", _

                                          "Product", "2.4", "",_

                                          "", "", _

                                          "", "", false, "")

   If ret_int = 0 Then

      mod_level_objid = fcinter.ret_objid

   End If





var ret_int = fcinter.create_update_mod_level("Zipcode Reverse Directory",

                                          "Product", "2.4", "",

                                          "", "", "", "", false, "");



   if (ret_int == 0){ var mod_level_objid = fcinter.ret_objid; }



·         Modify revision '2.4' for product 'Zipcode Reverse Directory'. It replaces revision '2.3' of the same package on January 23rd 1998. Leave everything else alone.


Visual Basic:


Dim ret_int   As Integer


ret_int = fcinter.create_update_mod_level("Zipcode Reverse Directory", _

                                          "Product", "2.4", _

                                          "Zipcode Reverse Directory", _

                                          "Product", "2.3",_

                                          "1/23/98 8:00:00", _

                                          "", false, "")




var ret_int = fcinter.create_update_mod_level("Zipcode Reverse Directory",

                                          "Product", "2.4",

                                          "Zipcode Reverse Directory",

                                          "Product", "2.3",

                                          "1/23/98 8:00:00",

                                          "", false, "");